"Lo maravilloso de aprender algo es que nadie puede arrebatárnoslo".

- B. B. King.-

martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015

Christmas traditions

Este vídeo tiene unos años, pero nos sirve para repasar vocabulario relacionado con la navidad y conocer tradiciones un tanto peculiares.
Por otro lado, vuestra compañera Julia y yo os animamos a entrar aquí y escuchar algunos Christmas carols del gran B. B. King.

miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015

Aprender inglés con libros y series

Dos recursos útiles para trabajar inglés:
English e-books: donde podéis descargar libros gratuitos a vuestro e-book.
Ororo.tv: donde podéis ver series gratis en inglés con subtítulos.

jueves, 10 de diciembre de 2015

Actividades online relacionadas con el cine

Os animo a que hagáis alguna actividad de esta página Web; hay diferentes tipos de listening, ejercicios de vocabulario... muy amenos y distribuidos por niveles.
La Web, en general, está muy bien y ofrece muchos recursos, así que curiosead.

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Christmas recipe

Have you ever tasted a Yule log? It is a traditional dessert, very common at Christmas time. Do you dare to make it?

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

Nature is speaking... Are we listening?

Os animo a ver estos vídeos sobre la naturaleza y nuestra relación con ella y a reflexionar sobre el camino que estamos tomando; podéis poner subtítulos si lo necesitáis.

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Rosa Parks: She made a difference

Where did Rosa Parks grow up? 
Rosa grew up in the southern United States in Alabama. Her full name was Rosa Louise McCauley and she was born in Tuskegee, Alabama on February 4, 1913 to Leona and James McCauley. Her mother was a teacher and her father a carpenter. She had a younger brother named Sylvester. 
Her parents separated while she was still young and she, with her mother and brother, went to live on her grandparent's farm in the nearby town of Pine Level. Rosa went to the local school for African-American children where her mother was a teacher. 
Going to School 
Rosa's mother wanted her to get a high school education, but this wasn't easy for an African-American girl living in Alabama in the 1920s. After finishing up elementary school at Pine Level she attended the Montgomery Industrial School for Girls. Then she attended the Alabama State Teacher's College in order to try and get her high school diploma. Unfortunately, Rosa's education was cut short when her mother became very ill. Rosa left school to care for her mother.
A few years later Rosa met Raymond Parks. Raymond was a successful barber who worked in Montgomery. They married a year later in 1932. Rosa worked part time jobs and went back to school, finally earning her high school diploma. Something she was very proud of. 
During this time, the city of Montgomery was segregated. This meant that things were different for white people and black people. They had different schools, different churches, different stores, different elevators, and even different drinking fountains. Places often had signs saying "For Colored Only" or "For Whites Only". When Rosa would ride the bus to work, she would have to sit in the back in the seats marked "for colored". Sometimes she would have to stand even if there were seats open up front. 
Fighting for Equal Rights 
Growing up Rosa had lived with racism in the south. She was scared of the members of the KKK who had burned down black school houses and churches. She also saw a black man get beaten by a white bus driver for getting in his way. The bus driver only had to pay a $24 fine. Rosa and her husband Raymond wanted to do something about it. They joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). 
Rosa saw the opportunity to do something when the Freedom Train arrived in Montgomery. The train was supposed to not be segregated according to the Supreme Court. So Rosa led a group of African-American students to the train. They attended the exposition on the train at the same time and in the same line as the white students. Some people in Montgomery didn't like this, but Rosa wanted to show them that all people should be treated the same. 
Sitting on the bus 
It was on December 1, 1955 that Rosa made her famous stand (while sitting) on the bus. Rosa had settled in her seat on the bus after a hard day's work. All the seats on the bus had filled up when a white man boarded. The bus driver told Rosa and some other African-Americans to stand up. Rosa refused. The bus driver said he would call the police. Rosa didn't move. Soon the police showed up and Rosa was arrested. 
Montgomery Bus Boycott 
Rosa was charged with breaking a segregation law and was told to pay a fine of $10. She refused to pay, however, saying that she was not guilty and that the law was illegal. She appealed to a higher court. 
That night a number of African-American leaders got together and decided to boycott the city buses. This meant that Africans would no longer ride the buses. One of these leaders was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He became the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association which helped to lead the boycott. 
It wasn't easy for people to boycott the buses as many African-Americans didn't have cars. They had to walk to work or get a ride in a carpool. Many people couldn't go into town to buy things. However, they stuck together in order to make a statement. 
The boycott continued for 381 days, and finally, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the segregation laws in Alabama were unconstitutional. 
After the Boycott 
Just because the laws were changed, things didn't get any easier for Rosa. She received many threats and feared for her life. Many of the civil rights leader's houses were bombed, including the home of Martin Luther King Jr. In 1957 Rosa and Raymond moved to Detroit, Michigan.

Rosa continued to attend civil rights meetings. She became a symbol to many African-Americans of the fight for equal rights. She is still a symbol of freedom and equality to many today.
Fuente:  Ducksters

martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015

A ellos/as... también les cuesta

Todo proceso de aprendizaje conlleva una fase de frustración; a veces es bueno tomar un poco de perspectiva para valorar tus avances de forma más amable y realista, y no sólo desde la tajante etiqueta "soy incapaz" que a menudo nos colgamos nosotros mismos. Si os tomáis unos minutos para ver este vídeo, es probable que veáis vuestros logros desde un nuevo prisma.

Phonemic chart & Pronunciation tip

Os dejo un enlace a la tabla de fonemas de British Council, donde podréis escuchar y entrenar vuestra pronunciación; os aconsejo que escojáis uno o dos sonidos y los ensayéis mediante una palabra (la tabla da esa opción si colocáis el cursor en la flecha) o introduciendo la palabra en una frase. Luego, tratad de decir bien ese sonido en las sesiones de conversación, de manera que, poco a poco, lograréis producirlo sin esfuerzo.

Phonemic chart

Os dejo también un consejo de Jade para mejorar vuestra pronunciación: El ritmo. Pronunciar las palabras dejando una pausa entre cada una de ellas, sin conectarlas, ni dotarlas de cadencia, provoca que tu inglés no se asemeje al que habla un nativo; evidentemente el nivel de nativo es un objetivo muy alto, pero conectar nuestras palabras y que suene todo más natural es una meta fácil de alcanzar.